Today in Madonna History: December 12, 2001

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On December 12 2001, Madonna participated in a MSN Live Chat, to promote GHV2 (Greatest Hits Volume 2), which was released on November 12.

Here are some GHV2 related questions from Madonna’s fans and her answers from the live chat:


Do you think that the journey that the Immaculate Collection covers is greater than GHV2?

No, actually the opposite. I experienced a much greater journey later, and I was paying attention more.

Which song do you wish was on GHV2 but was left off?

I don’t. At the end of the day, if people want to hear a song, they can go get the record it was on. I don’t regret not having anything else on it (GHV2).

I am really pleased to have a new greatest hits collection from you but why aren’t there any new songs in GHV2?

Because they are my greatest hits. New songs would be false advertising because if it’s a new song, it wouldn’t be considered a greatest hit. That’s a little presumptuous isn’t it?

I found some Japanese expression in the cover of your GHV2. That reads “mo-dzi-ji-ra-mi-mi-dzi” (this is how we pronounce it). What does it mean?

It’s supposed to be my name in Japanese.

Madonna, thank you for joining us today to talk with your fans from around the world. Continued success with GHV2 and from all your fans and from all of us here on MSN, happiest of holidays.

Thank you! I enjoyed it immensely, happy holidays!


4 responses

  1. As the above commentators wrote it was useless. What the hell was she thinking and she contradicts herself. She included 2 new songs on The Immaculate Collection and 2 or 3 more on Celebration and also in Something to Remember. If I was her manager unlike the shitty one she had after DeMann I would’ve told her to put Like an Angel Passing through my Room, and a huge dance song! I know she was busy with Swept Away, but this album would’ve done much better if it was chronologically in order from Erotica to impressive Instant [I would’ve mixed it] and released it. The only thing I like about GHV2 are the single versions. Guy Oseary is horrible. All of her back albums should be remastered and on Spotify and all her singles as well. I have always prefered the single versions.

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