Today in Madonna History: June 13, 1991

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On June 13 1991, Madonna was featured on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine.  The feature included a photo spread shot by Steven Meisel.

Madonna has no equal at getting attention. She often seems to behave like someone who has been under severe restraint and can now say and do whatever she likes without fear of reprisal. She delights in being challenged, in telling more than she had planned, in going further than she had intended. And judging from her new film Truth or Dare, there is no “too far” for Madonna.

One response

  1. In that brilliant and epochal interview in the Stone zine, late actress/ writer/friend Carrie Fisher asked and queried Madonna what three songs she was most proud of, she naturally gravitated toward her ballads and they were as follows-Live to Tell, Promise to Try and Oh Father.

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